Saturday, October 4, 2014

Celebrity Blogger in the House!

Have you guys ever heard of Mindy Bobe and her blog Road Runner Girl?

Of course you have! Even if you have visited this blog only casually during its short life, you know I have mentioned her and her blog many times. To me, she is simply an example to follow and someone I hold in very high regard. She is a wife, mom, teacher, runner and an inspiration to others and watching her juggle all that is truly a sight to behold.

As if I wasn't star struck enough by reading her blog, I actually got to meet her during Marathon Weekend in Disney World.

And I didn't even remember to ask her for her autograph. Recently, she truly focused on health and fitness. She is currently maintaining a running streak that is closing in on 150 days straight. She lost a bunch of weight and is looking fabulous and to celebrate she hosted a Diet Bet (which I participated in). Recently, she PR'ed her most recent Half Marathon (her favorite distance) by a huge margin. 

In case I haven't mentioned this enough, you have to go check out her blog. And now more than ever, because today (Sunday) I'm being featured in her weekly series Runner Spotlights where she introduces runners from all walks of life to her readers. So you know what that means...

Yup, I'm gonna be famous. So, as a celebrity we are going to be making a few changes around here. I will of course be charging for appearances and you can now address me as Mr. Fat Runner or "Your Highness". Whichever you choose. I'm flexible.


  1. That is so awesome Frank. I love Mindy's blog, but I have been so out of the loop this year.

  2. Lol Frank...I mean "Your Highness!" You make me laugh! I love it!!! I was so happy to feature one of my very favorite runners and bloggers out there! :-)
